Medium door for Spaniels, Terriers, Poodles, Beagles etc (up to 460 mm shoulder height).
For wood doors and walls. Can only be used in glass if glass changed to toughened safety glass.
Overall size 350mm high, 290mm wide
Hole cut out size 300mm high, 242mm wide
Flap size 270mm high x 220mm wide.
Color: White
*Robust construction
*Self lining to 50 mm - ideal for doors and walls
*Locking panel for security
*Silent action weatherproof flap with vision panel
*Lightweight flap may be used by cats
*Draft and weatherproof brush sealed flap with magnetic closure
*Rainproof seal
Installation available for Christchurch and surrounding areas. Jeff from Myles Glass is a qualified glazier and can do installation, timber door and glass fitting, and replace any glass that's required for pet doors.